Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Crescent Club Goes Brussels!

 So Friday March 18th, 2011 was a day of celebration, for starters it was Alissa’s 21st birthday and it marked the first time Gaffey, Alissa, and I had been together since July! Unfortunatley for us, this was one of those rainy days in Brussels, where it not only decides to sprinkle rain, but downright pour! 

I got done with my internship for the day and met up with Mom and Aunt Barb for a brief while just to check in and make sure they haven't lost their minds in Europe or anything silly like that. After that check in, I went in search of Alissa and Gaffey's hostel, but as my natural sense of direction is lacking, I had some trouble finding the place. After 45 minutes of aimless wandering, a completely soaked through coat, no minutes left on my cellphone, 6 Jupiliers, and countless waffles, I found the hostel that was honestly a block away from my friend's apartment! By then it didn't matter, I was just so happy to be reunited with my sassy Vis girls!

After we sat and dried in the hostel for a whole, we went off to Grand Place in search of food. We found ourselves at a cute little pizza place. After dinner, we went off to Delirium the famous bar which boasts a selection of over 250 beers. At the bar, we met a true gem who was schwasted like none other. He asked us to watch his drink for him, since when he went to the bathroom his friends kept drinking it, typical friends I thought, but whatever. After he returned from the bathroom, he thought it was best for him to then sit with us and tell us about his life as a flight attendant. Awesome, not! Once we realized he wasn't going anywhere, we quickly finished our drinks and left claiming to be quite jet lagged from our long trip over from Canada. Following that, we just took the metro home.

Saturday (March 19th) I had done some research of where to take these sassy ladies to show them the best of Brussels, so we started with the ever classic Antonium, then went to Parliament, the Royal Palace, lunch outside next to Bozar, Grand Place, the Galerie St. Hubert, Manneken Pis, and Le Cinquantenaire. Along the way we had chocolate and waffles; typical day in the life! After having seen so much, we went back to their hostel, kicked up our feet and chatted it up for a good long while. Once the while was over, we were hungry so went out for a traditional Belgian dinner of schroumps (sausage and potatoes). Then, we went to Grand Place to meet Gaffey's friend from Madrid, Robert, who was visiting Brussels with his family. Once we met up, we rubbed the girl for good luck, saw Manneken Pis, got waffles (yes we did this twice, whatever, don't judge!), then ventured to O'Reiley's to meet up with some friends from Vesalius. From there we went to Celtica, and simply called it a night. What a wonderful CC Reunion!
Alissa, Janice, and Gaffey at the Antonium
Alissa and Gaffey at Parliament
Gaffey, Alissa, and Janice at Grand Place
Janice, Alissa, and Gaffey at Le Cinquantenaire
Alissa, Janice, and Gaffey at a fountain
Janice, Alissa, and Gaffey on the steps of the stock exchange

Janice and Alissa at dinner!


Janice, Alissa, and Gaffey at Manneken Pis

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