Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Control yourself. Take only what you need from it.

Hello again,

Yes it does seem like these weeks are just speeding by: zoom! Somehow we are almost in November I still cannot believe how fast this program has been going. Wowzers!

Side note before I start, I just want to say thank you to my family because in the past week I got three packages: one from my parents who sent me cheese (I LOVE CHEESE!), one from my godmother who sent my popcorn, and one from my sister who visited the Hershey factory in Pennsylvania, so I got chocolate from her! These packages made my week even more awesome, thank you!!

Anyways, let's see what I've been up to since my last entry of week of being super busy. Friday (10/22/10) all I did was work, come home, and go to sleep. I was just so tired from the excitement that had happened earlier in the week I was wiped. Saturday (10/23/10) I had an awkward gap between my two shifts so Gina, Brittany, and I played at the Magic Kingdom. We went on the Carousel of Progress, the Snow White's Scary Adventures ride, and the Tiki Room. They were the lesser known rides at the park, but since my goal is to ride them all, I had to start somewhere.
The Carousel of Progress

Snow White's Scary Adventures ride
Sunday (10/24/10), I got up and went with Dakotah to Downtown Disney to get our Phoenix tickets, then I went to work. Monday (10/25/10), I was so tired I sat around all day cleaning my apartment and making casserole. I made macaroni and cheese like my mom and grandma makes. It was delicious! NOM NOM NOM. Then, I went over to Dakotah's apartment to get ready to see MGMT over at the Hard Rock Live, which is at Universal Studios. We got ready, and then got to the show. MGMT puts on a trippy show. It was good to see them, but it was definitely a weird show. Personally, I think they sounded better on CD than live, but you go to a concert for the concert experience, so you take whatever comes your way. After the concert, I went home and went to sleep.
Dakotah and I at Hard Rock Live seeing MGMT

 Yesterday was Tuesday (10/26/10), and I got up made my Halloween cards. Then I got myself ready for my Entertainment Show Production seminar. I love this seminar. Yesterday, we talked about all the thought and processes that need to happen before an unveiling of a new attraction of what-not at Disney. Basically, it was a class on time-management but it felt like I was learning so much more about life and how the basic principles of a team are needed in whatever job you are working backstage. After class, I got home and went off with Dakotah to go to another concert. Last night's concert was Phoenix over at Downtown Disney's House of Blues. Phoenix was a good concert. They had sweet special effects and some mad lighting instruments working, plus they sounded identical to their CDs! It was an excellent concert. After it, I came home and once again went to sleep.
Me at House of Blues to see Phoenix
Today is now Wednesday and my plans are go to work, then possibly go to a co-workers Halloween party. Whatever I do, I'm sure it will be an adventure!

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