Life Lessons Learned on My Year of Adventure:
1. Its hard to leave everything you've ever known and go off on your own.
2. Once you do it though, its awesome.
3. It really is a small world, you never know who you will know and you will know you.
4. There are genuinely nice people out there, you just have to look for a while.
5. You need friends.
6. Cockroaches are disgusting.
7. Europe and the south are similar in that they both move slowly.
8. If you have a problem with something, just say it, don't let it get to you, deal with it.
9. Pictures are awesome.
10. The cost of living in enormous.
11. All children, we are forever indebted to our parents for how many sacrifices they make for us to allow us to see the world and have experiences that change the way we look at the world.
12. Doing laundry is no fun.
13. Showers are overrated.
14. Personal hygiene overall is not.
15. You can never stop learning.
16. Be who you are, and be that well.
17. Age 20, is such a young age!
18. A beautiful day can instantly change your mood.
19. Disney is an entertainment business.
20. Disney works you and for no money, yet even when you're gone and think about the time you spent there, you smile.
21. I learned I actually need to do my research before I go places, opposed to just jumping in like I do. Its caused some great confusion and frustration in the past.
22. Life is short.
23. A year without seeing snow is most bizarre.
24. Liquor is always good, but in moderation.
25. Visitation tells you some weird things about life is going to go.
26. Every experience that one has should never be a regret, always think about what you learned from that experience and move on.
27. Similar to cockroaches, mold is digusting.
28. Belgians get away with eating fries, chocolate, and beer everyday! and they call Americans fat.
29. I love America!
30. Despite basically being slave labor, I still love Disney.
31. No matter how rude people are being just smile.
32. If you point with two fingers or a whole hand it makes people feel more comfortable, aka less threatened by you pointing at them with one finger.
33. Belgium at this time doesn't have a government, yet things are still running...
34. Peacocks are beautiful creatures.
35. How politics are created is far beyond me no matter how hard I try to wrap my brain around it.
36. The magic of theatre never ceases to amaze me, even if I know how they accomplished their magic.
37. Never lose sight of what you want out of life.
38. To best fit-in in Europe: wear a pea-coat and scarf. Similarly, if you’re female, wear tights/leggings with a sweater dress. Leather, calf length boots as footwear. Preferably black or tan.
39. People will always surprise you in either how genuine or how fake they end up being.
40. Always make to tell those who you love that you love for you might not know the next time you'll hear from them.
41. Contrary to what most Europeans believe, the US isn't actually all that different!
42. The decision to buy a Mac still has to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
43. Ohana means family and family means sticking together. And sticking together means the Carvers, we're thick as thieves!
44. If a guy never calls you back he's not worth your time.
45. Hipsters are always taking it to the next level.
46. I am slowly coming to realize that I won't always be in my twenties, but I'll always be awesome.
47. When I'm old I hope to be that kooky old lady full of stories of shenanigans that I did back when I was young!
48. To this day, the Visitation school sweater is the warmest article of clothing I own.
49. I miss being able to drive myself places.
I love your blogs Janice, They make my week.